What we all can do right now can be found in our history

Research The US Congress and learn how they tick using these resources | Political Arthmetik | Congresspedia

Follow the Money that funds the corruption of Democracy | Opensecrets.org | Hall of Shame

Write letters to your Senators and Representatives demanding an investigation into the 2004 Presidential Election Fraud

Write a letter to your State Election Office demanding an audit of the 2004 Presidential Election ballots

Write a letter to your State Governor and representatives demanding an investigation into the 2004 Presidential Election Fraud

Track Election Reform legislation and Elections, Campaigns & Redistricting Legislation at National Conference of State Legislatures

Participate in Massive, Public Non-Violent Protest, Public Political Activist Forums and blogs to share ideas and coordinate action

Form, organize, and or participate in organized public demonstrations and protests be they local, state, or national

Display your American Flag upside down as a symbol of protest or just say you are sorry . Remember, Peace Takes Courage

Wear Orange colored clothing as a symbol of solidarity with the successful protests for a free election in the Ukraine
Wear a hooded sweatshirt in public areas as a personal display of protest (kudos to Eminem: Mosh and Bright Eyes)

Comfort our Military Service Personnel and their families with Military Exchange Prepaid Calling Cards, support grassroots efforts to Help Our Troops, or just send a message of encouragement.

Stop buying anything that is not absolutely necessary ( Grand Refusal) and know who you support when you do buy  Stop feeding the corporate machinery - make them starve for a change

Stop believing Main Stream Corporate Controlled Media (MSM) - television, radio, newspapers, or other printed material as factual or complete information sources They are controlled by their corporate masters and do not serve the needs of the people

Use the Corporate controlled MSM as a tool against itself to express protest to those that still use it

Energy Independence is a Top National Priority Profit from oil is our nation's corporate Achilles heel (especially Exxon and Mobil)

Do not travel unless absolutely necessary and consolidate trips to minimize consumption
Climate Crisis: Inconvenient Truth

Don't forget about the victims of this outrage - Lend a helping hand to those less fortunate by being a good citizen and neighbor Bake a casserole meal for a needy neighbor or support organizations to feed a hungry neighbor or family

Donate clothing  - give a coat or jacket to cloth a thread bare friend or stranger

Help house the homeless - You may be next